

How I prepare for a trip by car

In this guide

    For me, travelling is almost just as fun as the vacation itself. I look forward to being in the car and driving to another destination, stopping on the road. This raw feeling of travel.

    In those years of travelling to many places I have learned a lot about travelling by car. And in this guide I want to give you the tips to prepare yourself better for these trips.

    And if you are afraid this will not fit in your car. I have put everything from this list (and more) in an Volkwagen Up.

    Preparing the bike

    Changing batteries

    I always change the batteries on my heart rate sensor and powermeter. Next to that I make sure I charge the Di2 (or the SRAM) and other things that need charging. And take the cables with you in case you want to charge later.

    Remove the power battery or secure the crank

    I noticed that while driving the powermeter kept turning on, draining the battery. You can remove the battery of your powermeter or make sure you secure the crank to the frame with a towel or rope (which does not hurt the paint).

    Checking the bolts

    I make sure the bolts are secured to the right torque. You can use a torquemeter for this. Once on a trip I had an issue with all the bolts of my Di2 Battery just vanishing. Which was not beneficial in that moment. Trust me.

    Preparing food

    Truth is, food on the highway is nearly always bad for you. There is not a single gas station in Germany where you can get some fruit or a healthy alternative to some fried snack.

    That is why I always prepare some food beforehand to eat on the trip. To make sure I still eat healthy while I sit still.

    Here is some of the food I prepare and take with me:

    • Bananas - To get some good carbs in, they are a good filler

    • Nuts - Healthy and they fill

    • Wraps with cream cheese, spinach, cucumber and a protein (salmon or chicken)

    • Protein bars - Love the ones from Upfront

    • Rice with greens and some tuna

    • Bread (or in Dutch, bolletjes) with some cheese and ham (the standard for travelling)

    • And tbh, I love a good can of Pringles. So sometimes you can treat yourself.

    • Lots of water

    The AirBnB checklist

    I usually rent AirBnBs, which makes staying easier because you can make your own food and not have to worry about eating elsewhere. Next to that, an AirBnB also gives a much better local experience that a hotel can never give.

    In these years I have noticed there are always some things missing in an AirBNB that we have to buy afterwards. Which means I buy a lot of different stuff I already have at home.

    That is why I make sure I take these things with me:

    • Herbs to cook with - Oregano, Thyme, Sage, Garlic Powder

    • Salt and Pepper

    • Tea

    • Olive Oil

    • Some Toilet Paper rolls - If you arrive and there is not a roll, you are happy you brought it

    • Coffee pads (Nespresso capable) - Most AirBnBs have a Nespresso machine.

    • Kitchen Towels

    • A good knife - I do not get why AirBNB owners buy these shitty knives.

    • A cuttingboard

    The general things I take

    Next to the obvious stuff I always take some special things with me. These are:

    • My bikestand for cleaning and servicing the bike.

    • My portable high pressure washer.

    • Bike Cleaning Gear from Dynamic

    • Repair tools such as my torque meter and hex keys.

    • My racing gear and racing needs. Which I will explain in another guide later this year.

    I hope this guide helps you on your next trip. Want to get more tips? Feel free to send me a message on Instagram!

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